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Eisenbahnwelten im Kurort Rathen - Logo
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Team of the Eisenbahnwelten in the health resort Rathen

The team of the Eisenbahnwelten in the health resort Rathen for the 2020 season.

Lothar Hanisch owner of the  Railway Worlds in the health resort Rathen

Our employees of the garden railway system

Rainer Schüßler
has been with the company since the first groundbreaking in 2005, development and control of the system, model construction, webmaster

Heiko Wagner
system control

Beatrice Hanisch
Landscape Management,
our "green thumb"

Mario Lehmann,
model making

Hannelore Fuchs
Landscaping, our "2nd green thumb"

Administration and pension

Kerstin Michel
administration and pension

Romana Krenz
Room fairy


Pia Findeisen

Rico Hentschel
restaurant specialist

Karoline Mauer
food stand

Our active leisure garden railroaders

Leon Simon

Our occasional leisure garden railroaders

Benjamin Friedrich
from the Harz region, visits us for several weeks every year and then takes on the job of dispatcher

Reiner Hendrich
retired, model maker and rail layer, with the company since 2005

Florian Strunk
our first guest in the pension, and has been a regular guest with us every year since then

Johannes Ettrich
student, our offspring garden railroader from the neighborhood

trained customs dog, he guards our facility in his free time (at night)

Railway world in Kurort Raten
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